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Showing posts from 2008
Dunno what I am introduction which is most likely to appear in my diary entries, mails, scribblings etc. My first fore into the world of blogging couldn't have been any different. To begin from the beginning i guess is the best way to begin. Well i can start with my name, my birth date, my work, my favourite actors( no clue as to why you may want to know that), my interests etc...I can tell you my day's routine which starts at 6(yes 6 A.M! for those who think only morons wake up that early) with coffee, then i get ready to leave home for office, reach office at 10.30(well not really), leave office for home at 5.30(well..), read a little, watch t.v, go to sleep, wake up next day at 6 and so it goes....... Yet the colour of my toothbrush(that's what i start my day with and had it not been for a very dear friend i would have taken for granted that everyone did the same), my antics and activities(crying to acting to laughing to cooking up stories) in my fa...